Simple Waystone 2 Add-on 1.21+

While traveling through the vast Minecraft universe, you must have come across beautiful, rare structures located so far from home that visiting them a second time was simply tedious. In such cases, the mod Simple Waystone 2 will help, allowing you to set Waypoints to quickly travel from one place to another.
First, you need to create a Waystone.

Then craft a Waypoint. It can be made from different types of Stones.

Next, you can name it and make it public.

After creation, you can open the teleportation menu through interaction. Note that colors indicate the dimensions in which the stones are located. For teleportation of more than 1000 blocks, experience is required. A portal between dimensions will cost 3 levels.

With the Waystone, you can instantly teleport to a Waystone with a 60-second cooldown.

By crouching and interacting, you can open the settings.

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