iron man boots Add-on 1.21+
Iron Man technologies have not yet been created by humanity in the real world. But each of us has at least once wanted to wear that magnificent suit to be able to fly. Such opportunities,...
New Adventure Plus Add-on 1.21+
The New Adventure Plus mod fills the world with a bunch of new things. Mobs, food, old ideas and concepts — this addition collects literally everything possible....
Biomes O' Discovery Add-on 1.21+
New horizons for exploration in Minecraft are offered by the mod Biomes O' Discovery. The assembly completely transforms biomes and introduces new places that you definitely must...
DownYouGo Add-on 1.21+
Imagine losing 75% of your health in real life. It's unlikely that such injuries or illnesses would allow you to even walk afterward. Therefore, to enhance realism, the mod DownYouGo...
Mod RPG ELEMENTAL WEAPON contains 3 unique types of weapons in Minecraft PE. Each of them possesses unimaginable power and abilities that will make battles more exciting and interesting....
Villager Minion Add-on 1.21+
We all love pets that always provide the necessary amount of coziness, cuteness, and love at home. So why not get your own little Villager in the vast world of Minecraft? Then you could...
Raiyon's Dynamic Light Add-on 1.21+
Like many other similar add-ons, Raiyon's Dynamic Light mod adds the ability to illuminate a location...
Dungeon Raiders Add-on 1.21+
Mod Dungeon Raiders adds 2 new dungeons and several structures to Minecraft. Both dungeons have their own difficulty levels and sizes. In each of them, valuable items can be acquired, and...
Emerald gear Add-on 1.21+
Emerald is the most beautiful material in Minecraft PE. Few would argue with this opinion. That is why, ever since Emerald first appeared in the game, users have dreamed of acquiring...
Angry Mobs Add-on 1.21+/1.18+/1.17+/1.16+
Imagine a Minecraft world in which every living creature is aggressive and hostile towards other living things, including those that were initially neutral or passive. Yes, your Minecraft...